Ausgewählter Beitrag

No Kleinmoney

You better be vorsichtig
if du like to cross a Strasse
meanwhile der rush-hour.
It ist very klug
to make a little Umweg,
to get what you brauchst.

So I entschloss me,
to follow this Rat.
I went entlang the street.
Lots of cars drived an mir vorbei.
I had to wait bei the Ampel,
till the red man changed into a grünen man,
then I überquerte the street safety.

I was so glücklich,
when I arrived the Tankstelle
and order a package of Zigaretten.
It`s very mistig,
if there are still Scheine im Geldbeutel -
a Zigarettenautomat don`t take them
- there is one, maybe ten Meter von hier.

But by the way - after I thought darüber nach
- it was in Ordnung -
I came home without a Unfall
and -
I could get some Semmeln, too.


Beatrice 12.12.2003, 17.05

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1. von Manni

Fullautomatical bavarian translationservice :-)

"Semmeln" means Brötchen.
"Hob'ts mi" -ähm-
Do you underständ?

vom 12.12.2003, 21.20
Antwort von Beatrice:

Thank you for your translation ;-)

lieben Gruß an dich, Bea

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