Ausgewählter Beitrag

Men are from Mars- Women are from Venus

na, prima.. wo darf ich mich dann geschlechtsmässig einordnen, wenn ich zu so einem Ergebnis komme?

You Are From Uranus
You shine with brilliant creativity, and you're more than a little eccentric.
You love everything unusual and shocking. You're one far-out chick or dude.
Anything unconventional excites you - and you have genius potential.
Just don't let your rebel side get the best of you, or else you'll alienate everyone.
Your original thinking and funky attitude is all you need to be you.

via 9-Volt-Blog

Beatrice 06.08.2007, 13.17

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Ich freue mich auf deine Buchung eines Happy Painting! Malkurses!

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